Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Greatest Trilogies Ever Made

(DISCLAIMER) I messed up the order here, the actual listing is: 5, 2, 4, 3, 1.

After thinking a long time, actually only five minutes, I have put together a list of the top 5 greatest trilogies of all time. These films did one of the hardest jobs around, and that's make three solid movies, in a row, in a consistent fashion. So, here goes.

5. The Man With No Name Trilogy (Clint Eastwood's establishing pieces, and Sergio Leone's masterpiece, it gave people real westerns, and have aged extremely well)
4. The Lord of The Rings Trilogy (Peter Jackson's house of imagination, set on the foundation of ground breaking novels, was a can't miss proposition. Jackson made good on each film, providing a landmark in motion pictures)
3. Star Wars Trilogy (The first three films were gold, you just couldn't match them. Thankfully these were made back in the day, when CGI wasn't available, other Lucas would've made six crappy, totally animated flicks)
2. The Bourne Trilogy (This is where I am going to catch a lot of flack, but I'm being truthful here. These are some of the most watchable films done, the entertainment value is immense, and Matt Damon was born for the role, I think a lot of people didn't realize what an enormous gift these movies were, each perfect in their own right)
1. The Godfather Trilogy (Man, you know you got a few good movies when all are nominated for Best Picture, and two out of the three win. It has the best sequel ever done, and put Coppola in the house of the best directors to ever look through a camera lens.)

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